Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010 - Staniel Cay, Exumas

Today was declared a “play day” and by 10 am we had both dinghys loaded down with our snorkeling gear, coolers, beach towels, sunscreen, books and snacks. We brought the dogs along to stay with Diane and Maureen on the beach while the men motored over to another island to try their hand with the new spearfishing gear they had purchased in Nassau. The girls had the beach to themselves and enjoyed relaxing in the beach chairs with their “toes in the water, ass in the sand.”

Around 1 pm, the guys were back at the beach where they had left Diane and Maureen earlier in the day. We had a little beach picnic and then gathered everything up before we headed back to Adventure where the dogs were dropped off and the coolers replenished. We were on our way again – this time all five of us back to the spot where the men had been all morning. Diane and Maureen enjoyed the small, secluded beach while the guys did some more fishing and snorkeling.

While fishing, Gale speared four or five small fish and a small stingray. Jim and Mark didn’t have quite the catch as Gale did, but they all enjoyed the practice. They agreed that the snorkeling around this small island was even better than what we had seen at Thunderball Cave on Friday.

For dinner, Gale prepared the last of the mahi mahi while Diane put some rice and some broccoli on the stove. After dinner, we were all pretty worn out from being in the sun over seven hours so we retired to our respective staterooms to get the rest we needed. The plan was to pull out of our anchorage at daybreak tomorrow.

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