Thursday, November 18, 2010

Monday, November 8, 2010 – Mosquito Lagoon, Florida (ICW mile 860)

We were up around 6:15 am and saw that last night’s late arrival had drifted past us and was now on our downstream side. How they went by without fouling our anchors or bumping into the boat was a mystery. We started up the engine to get the heater going and as we were about to hail our neighbor on the radio, we noticed they were up and about. They had a bit of difficulty retrieving the anchor, but soon had it aboard and motored out of the anchorage.

We had our own anchors up and headed into a sunny day with a very light north wind and a temperature of 47°F. A few miles down the way, we caught up with and talked to the folks on the sailboat that had left the anchorage before us, Mystical, and learned that their anchor had not tripped, but when the current switched during the night, the anchor rode (line) had become fouled around the keel. They had to work very hard to get things straightened out but the mishap turned out just fine – no equipment lost and no damage done.

The sun helped to warm things up to a comfortable 72°F by mid-afternoon and there was little or no wind all day. We traveled 70 miles and made it to Mosquito Lagoon just as the sun was setting. We had anchored here on our way to the Chesapeake and knew that it would be a good place to drop the hook if the wind wasn’t blowing. We relaxed for the evening, watched a little TV and enjoyed our hot dogs and Bush beans for dinner.

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