Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monday, July 6, 2009

It started raining sometime during the night and continued into the morning hours. We slept in and enjoyed the peacefulness of this place, listened to the wind and rain, and felt the boat being gently blown from side to side on the anchor. We decided it was a good day to stay put especially knowing that if the wind was affecting us so much in a protected cove, it wouldn’t be much fun out on the open water. A black bear cub showed up about the same time of the afternoon in the same spot we saw the adult bear yesterday. We believe there were two cubs and a mother bear living in the vicinity. Again, we tried to get some pictures, but the only way one would know there is a bear in the photo is if we point it out!

1 comment:

LisaMarie said...

The bear is visible, especially if you click on the picture for the blow-up view. Very cool!!