Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010 – Rock Hall, MD – free dock

The night was very quiet and we rested well. After breakfast, we put on our walking shoes and set out to see Rock Hall. We found a lovely small town that reminded us somewhat of our own hometown, Clear Lake. After the walk, it was back to the boat to get down to business. We worked all day writing, paying bills, balancing checkbooks and answering email.

The wind came up in the afternoon as forecasted and we started to bump around pretty good against the dock. We put out a side anchor to keep us away from the dock and that seemed to help tremendously. A thunderstorm in the late afternoon dropped quite a bit of rain in a few minutes. The temperature fell several degrees and the wind died down.

For dinner, we walked to the Harbor Shack, and found a popular local hangout. Thursday night was Tequila Night; however, we skipped the tequila and shared a shrimp and asparagus quesadilla which was quite tasty!

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